Edu - Factory & Industrial Angular Template
This documentation is last updated on 18 January 2024.
Thank you for purchasing this Angular template.
If you like this template, Please support us by rating this template with 5 stars
Getting started -
Before you begin, make sure you have Node and an npm package manager. installed on your computer.
Download node
Check your node version, run node -v
Angular Setup -
Open terminal and run npm install -g @angular/cli
Angular CLI Doc:
Serve and build
Use terminal and navigate to project root.Then run npm install
Development server
Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The
app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Build for Production
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in
the dist/ directory. Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
Folder Structure -
- src
- app
- blog
- grid2
- grid2-sidebar
- grid2-sidebar-left
- grid3
- grid3-sidebar
- grid3-sidebar-left
- grid4
- half-image
- half-image-sidebar
- half-image-sidebar-left
- large-image
- large-image-sidebar
- large-image-sidebar-left
- single
- single-sidebar
- single-sidebar-left
- elements
- accordians
- accordian1
- banners
- banner1
- banner3
- banner5
- blog
- blog1
- blog2
- blog3
- call-to-action
- call-to-action1
- call-to-action2
- call-to-action3
- clients
- client1
- comments
- comments1
- content-box
- content1
- content2
- content3
- content4
- content5
- content6
- content7
- content8
- content9
- content10
- content11
- content12
- content13
- content14
- content15
- content16
- counter
- counter1
- counter2
- courses
- courses1
- courses2
- courses3
- courses4
- courses5
- events
- events1
- events2
- events3
- footer
- footer1
- footer2
- footer3
- footer4
- footer5
- footer6
- footer7
- footer8
- footer9
- footer10
- footer11
- footer12
- forms
- comment-form1
- query-form
- registration-form1
- registration-form2
- search-form1
- search-form2
- search-form3
- search-form4
- gallery
- gallery1
- gallery2
- gallery3
- gallery4
- header
- header-dark1
- header-dark2
- header-dark3
- header-dark4
- header-dark5
- header-dark6
- header-light1
- header-light2
- header-light3
- header-light4
- header-light5
- header-light6
- header-light7
- header-light8
- header-light9
- header-light10
- header-light11
- header-light12
- icon-box
- icon-box1
- icon-box2
- icon-box3
- icon-box4
- newsletter
- newsletter1
- newsletter2
- newsletter3
- price_table
- price-table1
- price-table2
- rev-slider
- slider1
- slider2
- slider3
- slider4
- slider5
- slider6
- services
- services-element1.component
- sliders
- owl-slider1
- team
- team1
- team2
- team3
- testimonial
- testimonial1
- testimonial2
- testimonial3
- testimonial4
- widgets
- category-list1
- our-gallery1
- recent-posts1
- tag-list1
- accordians
- features
- footer-style1
- footer-style2
- footer-style3
- footer-style4
- footer-style5
- footer-style6
- footer-style7
- footer-style8
- footer-style9
- footer-style10
- footer-style11
- footer-style12
- header-style1
- header-style2
- header-style3
- header-style4
- header-style5
- header-style6
- header-style-dark1
- header-style-dark2
- header-style-dark3
- header-style-dark4
- header-style-dark5
- header-style-dark6
- home-coaching
- home-college
- home-kids-school
- home-kindergarten
- home-language-school
- home-online-course
- home-school
- home-university
- pages
- about-us1
- about-us2
- contact-us1
- contact-us2
- contact-us3
- contact-us4
- cources
- cources-details
- error404
- error405
- events
- events-details
- faqs
- gallery-grid2
- gallery-grid3
- gallery-grid4
- help-desk
- privacy-policy
- services1
- services2
- teachers
- teachers-profile
- shop
- cart
- checkout
- login
- product-details
- register
- shop
- shop-sidebar
- wishlist
- app.component.css
- app.component.html
- app.component
- app.module
- app-routing.module
- blog
- assets
- css
- demo
- fonts
- images
- js
- plugins
- animate
- bootstrap
- bootstrap-select
- bootstrap-touchspin
- button-effects
- countdown
- counter
- flaticon
- fontawesome
- imagesloaded
- lightgallery
- line-awesome
- magnific-popup
- masonry
- owl-carousel
- rangeslider
- revolution
- scroll
- sidebar
- switcher
- themify
- wow
- skin
- video
- app
Used for configuration of project specific settings. You can add external styles and scripts, change the output folder, add assets, add environment files and more.
All external modules used are here. Do not mess with this folder, as it is auto-generated by using npm install.
Contains all dependencies used for production and development.
Contains all Angular Typescript code, assets and basically everything the end user will have access to.
TypeScript compiler configuration.
Css Files -

These all file import in styles.css
This css include all css
Main Style CSS file is globally used
This CSS used in particular/some pages
Skin Css
Our Products -
Do You Need Help To Customization
After Purchase A Template...
You Will Start Customizing According Your Requirement
BUT What If You Don't Know
Hire Same Team For Quality Customization
- We Will Customize Template According To Your Requirement
- We Will Upload On Server And Make Sure Your Website is Live
Version History - #back to top
v1.5 - January 18, 2024
- New Updated Angular in latest v16.2 for better features and performance.
- ng Bootstrap Advanced interactive Components updates.
- Light Gallery Enhanced performance, customizable features for a superior user experience.
v1.4 - October 6, 2021
- Updated Angular in latest v12 for better features and performance.
- Resolve css bugs
v1.3 - July 13, 2021
- Updated in Angular
v1.2 - December 28, 2020
- Updated html files.
v1.1 - September 21, 2020
- Updated JS and Css files.
v1.0 - 03 September 2020
- New - Created & Upload EduZone